When Amber Black was involved a traumatic car accident, she broke her jaw in several places which caused her to lose her front teeth, and along with that, her confidence to smile. As a full-time student, she did not possess the financial means to obtain much needed dental care. “My dental health was severely affecting my life. I was tremendously embarrassed, ashamed and fearful to smile,” reflects Amber.
That’s when the Aurora, Colo. – Smoky Hill, Bright Now!® Dental office stepped in. The team members nominated Amber to receive complimentary dental treatment from the Smiles for Everyone Foundation’s Community Smile Project. “We all came together to help this patient in need,” says Office Manager Lauren Florea. “The most gratifying and rewarding moment of this experience was seeing Amber with her new teeth. She was so grateful that she cried and hugged everyone,” says Lauren.
For Amber, receiving these dental services was a dream come true. “This was something I earnestly prayed for,” she shares. “I couldn’t have imagined anything better.”
It is clear that the Community Smile Project has restored more than just the patient’s teeth, but also her sense of confidence. “My self-esteem has gone up tremendously; I’m very happy,” says Amber. “And most important, my pain is now gone! My life is truly changed in every way.”
Pictured above: Community Smile Project patient with the Aurora Colo.-Smoky Hill, Bright Now!® Dental office Team, l – r: Christina Nielsen, Hygienist; Trevor Glenn, Dental Assistant; Amber Black, patient; Tania Nava Palacios, Lead Dental Assistant; Robin Flame, Dental Assistant; Lauren Florea, Office Manager; and Johanna Oregarro, Patient Benefits Counselor.